Spine conditions
Degenerative Conditions
Degenerative spine conditions can range from asymptomatic to severe, with symptoms ranging from back pain and neck pain to other symptoms depending on the location and type of problem.
​Slipped or herniated discs
Discs act as cushions between your vertebrae-allowing for flexibility and movement
Space in backbone is too small, putting pressure on the spinal cord and nerves that travel through it
Breakdown of the cartilage at the spinal joints
Spine Trauma
The symptoms of spinal trauma depend on the location of the fracture. In some cases, it will injure the spinal cord or nerves that lead to pain in the arms or legs. It can also affect the bowel, bladder or sexual organs.
Compression Fracture
The vertebra is thin, weak, and brittle. Blunt force or extreme pressure may cause the bone to fracture.
Burst Fracture
Occur when the vertebrae are crushed by forces such as a car accident
Flexion-distraction fractures
Injuries occur when body is pushed forward suddenly
Deformity Corrections
The normal curvature of the spine is a gentle, S-shaped curve. A deformity is any deviation from that shape, such as bending and twisting of the spine. They can occur in both adults and children.
Spine curves excessively outward-appearance of a hunchback
Lower back curves excessively inward
A side-to-side curve in the spine
We can also assist with:
Hip & Knee Replacements
Paediatric Orthopaedics
Hand Surgery
Orthopaedic Trauma